Armament is purely self-defensive in nature and led by 2 x 25mm Bushmaster automatic cannons. This is backed by 2 x 20mm Phalanx Close-In Weapon Systems (CIWSs). For extreme close-in defense, the vessel carried up to 4 x 0.50 caliber Browning M2 heavy machine guns. Mark 36 SRBOC ("Super-Rapid Bloom Offboard Countermeasures and decoy-launching system") units serve to launch rocketed chaff in an effort to confuse incoming enemy missiles.
The warship's profile is unique as the deck line is unbroken for the length of the ship (bow to stern). At midships is the bridge superstructure containing the exposed mast works as well as the radar and communications fits. Over near-stern is a secondary, slab-sided mast structure capped by a dome. Over the stern proper is a landing zone for a single medium-lift navy helicopter - the standard today (2017) being a Sikorsky MH-60S Knight Hawk (detailed elsewhere on this site).
To date, USS Mount Whitney has participated in several high profile operations: the Haiti intervention of 1994-1995 through 'Operation Uphold Democracy', the invasion of Afghanistan (beginning November 2002) with Central Command as part of the 'War on Terror', humanitarian support during the Russo-Georgian War of 2008, and UN support concerning the Civil War in Libya. In February of 2013, she entered a period of overhauling and returned to service that April. In 2014, she formed part of the American security arm at the Sochi Olympics hosted by Russia.
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